India in 2050 | Future India in 2050

India in 2050 | Future India in 2050

The speed at which human beings are progressing today,

the day is not far when mankind will be fully dependent on technology.

If we talk about 50 years later today,

the future of 2050 is going to be unimaginable and terrible.

Transportation in 2050

Let's start with transportation...

Transportation in 2050 will not be exactly like today.

In place of electric and diesel trains,

there will be a hyperloop and maglev train with a speed of 1500 to 2000 km per hour.

People would prefer to travel in more hyperloop and maglev trains than aviation transport.

From 2018 in India, Testing is going on in the hyperloop route between Mumbai and Pune.

That is, by 2050, there would be hyperloop and maglev trains running almost everywhere in India.

By 2050 there will not be much change in the aviation sector.

Still, to make the aviation environment-friendly,.

...companies are focusing on electric plane technology.

Experts believe that the future of aviation is uncertain due to technology like hyperloop and maglev trains.

By 2050, there will be only electric cars all over the world.

These cars will be much smarter than today and most of the cars will run without a driver.

Electric cars are still operating all over the world,

but their biggest problem is to charge them.

Today, Tesla Supercharging stations take one and a half hours to charge a car,

, but it will be resolved very soon.

Space Technology in 2050

In 2050, the mining will not be on Earth but on asteroids and comets.

The responsibility will be given to robots,

who will bring precious metals like ...

Gold, Silver platinum to the Earth from asteroids and comets.

By 2050 humans will have made their workable habitations on the mars and the moon.

Tourism will be a common thing in space.

And by 2050 we may find an alien civilization in space.

Thought communication technology

If you have a mobile phone in 2050, people will laugh at you...

... because phones in 2050 will almost be over.

Cell phones will be replaced by technology such as Augmented Reality (AR) and "thought communication technology ".

“Thought communication technology" will make brain-to-brain a new way of talking.

And Augmented Reality (AR) will give you the feel of the real world.

Power Plants

In 2050, instead of nuclear power plants,

the Helium-3 power plant will take over,

which will not harm the environment.

Today, radioactive waste released from the Nuclear Power Plant is one of the most dangerous things on earth.

But the Helium-3 power plant will not harm the environment at all.

Actually, Helium-3 is found to be nominal on Earth but it is found in huge amounts on the Moon.

Therefore, countries such as China and USA have now been trying to capture possession of the moon,

due to which the race to go on the moon and the mining has started right now.

Until 2050, the network of solar energy will spread all over the world.

People will make their own electricity in their own homes.

Record Your Dream

In 2050 you will be able to record your dreams.

A Japanese scientist has succeeded in reading the human mind through artificial intelligence.

You will be able to see your dreams on TV in the year 2050.

Television in 2050

But in 2050 the TV will not be exactly like today.

Holographic TVs will have replaced the LCD today.

Health Technology in 2050

In 2050, each part of the body, as well as a brain transplant, will be possible.

In 2050 no one will die because of cancer, i.e. the permanent solution for cancer will be found.

In the 1950s, the human life expectancy of the whole world was around 48 years,

which has now increased up to around 72 years.

But by 2050, the average age of humans will be up to 80 years.

It means, in 2050, every person will live for at least 80 years.

But if there is success in anti-aging technology, then humans will never be old.

According to Dr. Ian Pearson, the formula to be immortalized in 2050 will be made.

Artificial Intelligence

By 2050, Artificial Intelligence will be even more intelligent.

Due to artificial intelligence, jobs like taxi, truck, train, ship drivers, and pilots will end.

Many jobs like Lawyer, Teacher, Accountant, the doctor will be in danger due to Artificial Intelligence.

After Death You Alive

In 2050, humans will survive even after death.

By 2050, such technology has come where you will be able to transfer your consciousness to an Android body.

That is, after the person's death, his brain's data can be inserted into a robot-like that of the Android body.

In such a situation,

the body and mind of that person will be transformed into a robot,

but the knowledge of his memories and thinking will be completely human.

This ultimately leads to human destruction.

Robots in 2050

By the year 2050, robots would be dominated by the earth.

Domestic robots will have become common.

Even today, most things are produced by robots in the Industrial area.

Robots will finish 70% of jobs worldwide.

The IT sector will be fully operational only by Artificial Intelligence.

By 2050, humans will think 100 times before a child's plan,

because most of the means of livelihood will be occupied by robots.

Future in dangerous

There will not be much left to earn a living for human beings. In this way, many people will stop their generation going forward.

Today our weather forecast is also predicted by Artificial Intelligence,

which is 90% correct.

Google's Artificial Intelligence can also predict people until the day of their death,

with 95% Accuracy.

Artificial Intelligence has the greatest specialty of learning,

, and we are the only people who learn it.

So if human beings are threatened with something after global warming,

then it is just artificial intelligence only.

Because of the speed at which artificial intelligence is becoming more intelligent than the person,

the day is not far when complete human civilization will be subject to Artificial Intelligence.

And one day it will come when Artificial Intelligence will assess that...

... who and how many humans will live or live on this earth or not.

And if humans will live with robots then you can guess what kind of human they will be.

Because the artificial intelligence that humans are building today is a curious and understandable technology.

The consciousness of today's artificial intelligence is unpredictable.

It means, it is impossible to find out what it is thinking.

Even though we are now controlling artificial intelligence,

..but think of this,  on the day the artificial intelligence started to think about what humanity has on this earth.

From then on we have to start counting the countdown of our existence to mankind.

So it would not be wrong to say that the future is going to be "Unimaginable and Dangerous".


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